Challenges with ERC-404 Tokens:

While innovative, ERC-404 suffers from non-unique images, gas optimization issues, lack of rarity selection, and potential immutability concerns, limiting its appeal and value in the digital art token space.

  • Non-Unique Images: ERC-404 tokens do not inherently guarantee exclusive ownership of associated artwork. This lack of uniqueness can diminish tokens' rarity and perceived value within the marketplace.

  • Lack of Rarity Selection: Unlike traditional NFT standards like ERC-721, ERC-404 lacks in-depth mechanisms for defining and distinguishing rarity levels among tokens. This absence limits the collectible appeal and investment potential of ERC-404 tokens.

  • Immutability Concerns: The ERC-404 standard does not enforce immutable associations between tokens and their linked images. This leaves room for contract owners to alter or replace images associated with tokens, posing risks to digital art assets' integrity and long-term value.

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